Data & Research
Using data and research to inform and improve arts education in CPS.

A data-driven approach to arts learning
Data remain at Ingenuity’s core, informing, prioritizing and fueling our organizational strategies to fill gaps in arts access across Chicago. We combine data from CPS, the Illinois State Board of Education, funders and arts partner organizations to provide the most accurate picture of arts education currently available for CPS. As the only organization annually collecting, analyzing and disseminating arts education data, Ingenuity is Chicago’s primary source for insights, public accountability, and growth metrics on CPS arts education programs, partnerships, staffing and infrastructure. Ingenuity makes this data publicly available via artlook, our web-based mapping platform that provides information on school needs in the arts, facilitates collaboration and connection-building between schools and arts partners, and, ultimately, helps target resources to underserved students.
CPS students now attend a school that is Strong or Excelling in the arts.
of CPS schools collaborate with at least one of the 392 active partner organizations.
of elementary schools offer the recommended two hours of weekly arts instruction.
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