Creative Schools Fund
Leveraging grant investments in schools to inspire change, at scale, within the arts education eco-system.

Fund Overview
The role of the Creative Schools Fund is to support increased access to a high quality arts education for every student in every grade through teacher-led arts programs in Chicago Public Schools.
The Fund is the largest philanthropic investment for the arts directly into schools each year. It’s supported through public and private funding sources from Ingenuity, CPS, and the Mayor’s Office. We’ve invested over $21M since 2013 across a variety of granting strategies. Each year, we have a goal of issuing at least $1.5M in grants.
Grants prioritize those schools with the least systemic arts access. Projects bring immediate arts programs to students – and fuel sustainable, long term increases to arts education access for every student, in every grade.
Each year’s grants represent every CPS network, every Chicago neighborhood, and schools of every type within the public education landscape. Yet – investments are concentrated in the neighborhoods and student populations where access is currently most limited.
Students Served
Schools Supported
Competitive Grants Awarded
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