WhO is ALAC?

The ArtsEd Leadership Advisory Committee (ALAC) stands as a dynamic and dedicated group comprising 18 cross-sector leaders in arts education. Our shared commitment is to propel the advancement of arts access and equity within the Chicago Public School system. ALAC members wield significant influence, actively shaping Ingenuity’s Collective Impact Strategies through direct feedback, thoughtful recommendations, and collaborative partnership.

Recognizing that our work is intrinsically connected with the broader sector, ALAC serves as an essential conduit, ensuring that we remain grounded in real-world perspectives. We recognize that meaningful progress doesn’t happen in isolation, and through ALAC, we foster a collaborative environment that keeps us plugged into the pulse of our arts education communities.

We are seeking several new ALAC consultants to play an important role in honing our collective strategies and advancing our common agenda of arts education equity in Chicago Public Schools.

Please submit your application here by July 31, 2024.

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