Ingenuity is currently seeking to hire a Manager of the Creative Schools Fund. As an integral member of the Programs Team, the Manager of the Creative Schools Fund holds a key position in enhancing the efficacy of grant processes and strategies, thereby advancing the coordination,
implementation, evaluation, and overall sector impact of the Fund. Working closely with the Programs Team, they ensure transparent, accessible grant-making, fostering equitable approaches and maximizing sector-wide impact. This involves supporting schools and arts partners in implementing successful programs, identifying opportunities for partnership development, and ensuring grant decisions are data-driven and inclusive.

Additionally, the Manager plays a supporting role in relationship development, donor stewardship, and strategic funding design within the CSF framework. Collaborating with leadership, they support efforts to create, activate, and demonstrate the value of Ingenuity’s grants directly to arts education in Chicago Public Schools. They are key in driving the CSF’s impact and ensuring its funds authentically build capacity in the arts education sector.

Cooper Coleman is leading this search on behalf of Ingenuity. To apply, please visit: Inquiries and nominations of qualified candidates can be sent to:

Paul Towne |

Kindly use the position title as the subject line of your email. All inquiries will be held in confidence.

A cover letter is not required with your initial application, but is welcomed to help us understand your fitness for this role during our initial evaluation. Candidates invited for interviews with the Ingenuity Team will be asked to provide a thoughtful letter of interest indicating their specific qualifications for the opportunity, desire to join Ingenuity, and connection to its mission.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the successful candidate has been selected.

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Ingenuity hosts high-performing interns interested in the intersection of education and arts education, youth development, public policy and school reform. Interns support all of Ingenuity’s areas of focus, and they receive a rich learning experience including participation in sector meetings, planning for Ingenuity Institutes, and supporting various research. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


Explore internship opportunities:

Partnerships & Learning Internship

Communications & Advocacy Internship


What interns have to say about their experience with Ingenuity:

“Designing the Partner Starter Institute allowed me to work with a range of staff members as I created the invitation list, developed content, spread the word, and finally executed. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on such a dynamic project as it has greatly prepared me for the next step.”

“I plan to continue working in the public education sector, advancing District policy through programming and advocacy efforts. I am eager for what is to come and cannot wait to see Ingenuity enter the next phase of their work. Thank you for a great summer!”

“Interning at Ingenuity was a challenging extension of my graduate studies that exposed me to strategic thinking and innovation in the Chicago education arena. I was immediately welcomed into the team and experienced a fantastic office culture that valued the input of all staff members. I left the internship as a more critical thinker because of the opportunities I had to contribute extensively to the Data & Research and Public Policy initiatives. If you want an internship experience that integrates you within the team and organizes your work so you maximize your time with the company, look no further than the team at Ingenuity.”

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