Preparing for the Chicago Elected School Board: Elevating Arts Education


On November 5th, 2024, Chicago voters will elect a new school board to oversee Chicago Public Schools (CPS), a historic change made possible by the 2021 legislation authorizing an elected board. The Chicago Board of Education will transition from seven members appointed by the Mayor of Chicago to 21 elected members by 2027. 

At Ingenuity, we believe that a strong and responsive school board is essential for effective governance and ensuring that arts education remains a priority in CPS. As the new board takes shape, it will be vital to advocate for and support integrating robust arts programs in CPS. Arts education enriches students’ lives and enhances their learning experiences, and we are committed to ensuring that the new board prioritizes this essential component of a well-rounded education.

As these changes unfold, Ingenuity is dedicated to supporting school leaders in their efforts to champion arts education. We encourage you to engage with the board as well. Together, we can navigate this transition and continue to foster a vibrant, creative learning environment in our schools.

What you need to know before the November 2024 Elections:

When to Vote 

By November 5, 2024

How to Vote

  • Or vote early in person beginning on Sep 26, 2024


Resources for Voters

  • How are the schools in your district performing in arts education? Find out using our interactive State of the Arts (SOTA) Dashboard! This tool lets you explore Creative Schools Certification data, or the level of quality and access to arts education programs a school offers, for a subset of schools, such as by community area for various schools. Below, you’ll find detailed reports for Chicago Public School Districts 1 through 10.
  • Discover the history of arts education and find out how you can make a difference! Check out our Arts Education Key Facts and Figures.


SOTA Dashboard District Reports: 

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4

District 5

District 6

District 7

District 8 

District 9

District 10

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